Talk About The Weather

I met singer/songwriter Andy Ruddy by chance when he played the Boileroom in Guildford in 2018, and we started chatting after the gig. I bought Andy’s first album, and found in a few weeks that I had been listening to very little else. Fast forward a couple of years and we’re talking backstage at a gig where I booked Andy to play, and we decide to write something together. Talk About The Weather was the third song that we wrote in a series of Zoom sessions in lockdown.

Andy wanted to write about how we will talk about the weather no matter how we’re feeling, and I wanted to write about how we were all feeling in lockdown, and so we came up with the idea of a set of characters behind each door as you walk down a corridor. From the man who spends his time reading conspiracy theories, to the couple claustrophobically trapped with their small kids, to the old lady waiting for her carer to come, they all talk about the weather, rather than how they’re really feeling.

When we wrote this song, we realised that the weather was a way for people to communicate no matter who they were, or how old they were. This gave us the inspiration to start writing about other topics that bring different generations together, and we started to write a full album, just to see where it took us.

Alan Young

Indie folk musician from the woods of West Sussex

Off The Grid